Recent studies spanning various countries have found that location matters for patients with cancer and opioid disorders when it comes to end-of-life care delivery, costs and outcomes. Understanding the significant factors driving global data disparity trends can help inform hospices’ service development strategies and care models. Data has become key to helping providers learn where […]
Journal of the American Medical Association
Recent research has found that career growth, organizational culture and impactful work are significant priorities among the next generation of palliative care clinicians, particularly those from underserved populations. Medical students indicated that these three key areas are “crucial” to their well-being and mental health in a recent study published in the Journal of the American […]
Language barriers, mistrust of the health care system and a lack of diverse staff are the most common obstacles between hospice care and underserved communities, research from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) recently found. NHPCO’s Diversity Advisory Council, in partnership with Transcend Strategy Group, recently polled more than 1,200 individuals among LGBTQ+, […]
Huge acquisitions, the labor shortage and regulation dominated the news this year, but other important trends emerged that warrant attention. Below are 10 of this year’s “hidden gem” stories that didn’t quite make our top 10 most read. These cover the innovative partnerships, new technologies, pediatric care, health equity and other key developments in the […]
Members of LGBTQ+ communities are foregoing advance care planning conversations due to fears of discrimination, recent research has found. A little more than 57% of roughly 200 sexual and gender minority adults indicated in a survey that a fear of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity was a barricade to advance care planning, according […]