Some hospice providers are walking a tightrope as they decide how to invest in recruitment and retention. Hospices have been pouring financial resources into efforts to bolster their workforce and are seeking ways to balance the costs associated with recruitment that differ from retention expenses. However, the process of calculating and comparing those costs can […]
Center for American Progress
LGBTQ+ communities have been historically underserved by hospice, often due to mistrust of the health care system as well as discrimination. Nearly 1 in 3 transgender adults reported that they had to teach their health care provider about transgender issues in order to receive appropriate care, according to a Center for American Progress 2020 survey. […]
LGBTQ+ seniors represent a growing population for hospices, but discrimination from health care providers remains a barrier to care. Spiritual care can be an important avenue to bridging gaps to these underserved communities. Having a more diverse, educated, inclusive and culturally sensitive chaplain staff will be key for hospice providers to engage with these patients, […]
LGBTQ+ individuals face an array of challenges in accessing end-of-life and serious illness care, with some reporting discrimination from health care providers. A better understanding of sexual orientation, gender identity and family roles will aid hospices in as they work to reach these underserved communities. Demographic trends indicate a rising need for end-of-life and serious […]