Hospice Underutilized by Patients with Several Types of Conditions

Terminally ill patients often lack a firm understanding and awareness about their end-of-life care options, a trend researchers across the world are examining more closely. Underserved neurological patients Patients with neurodegenerative diseases are less likely to receive hospice care compared to others, according to a recent study published in the Neurology journal. The study spanned […]

Palliative Care News’ Top 5 Stories of 2023

A look back at Palliative Care News’ five most-read stories this year paints a picture of trends shaping the serious illness care space. Securing reimbursement — and the promise of value-based contracts — continues to be top of mind for many palliative care providers as they look ahead to 2024. Operators have their eyes on […]

Study: New Palliative Interventions Needed for Adolescents, Young Adults

Specialty palliative care reduces pain severity in most adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer, but work remains to reduce other symptoms, a recent study found. The study, published in JAMA by Canadian researcher Dr. Sumit Gupta and co-authors, reviewed data from 5,435 AYAs with cancer between the ages of 15- and 29-years-old. Regular symptom […]

State Palliative Care Laws Impact Where Patients Die

Recent research has found that varying state laws around palliative care can impact cancer patients’ place of death. Cancer patients in states with laws that require health care providers to provide palliative consultations were more likely to die in the home or in an inpatient hospice setting versus the hospital, a JAMA Network Open study […]

New Legislation Provides Reimbursement Boost to Community-Based Pediatric Palliative Care

There’s growing momentum behind the movement to finance serious illness care for children. The Illinois General Assembly recently passed a bill that requires private insurers and Medicaid plans in the state to include a community-based pediatric palliative and hospice benefit. Creating new revenue opportunities to sustain palliative care at a state level could open doors […]

Labor Shortage, Referral Stream Recovery Top of Mind for Hospices

More than 67% of the 203 hospice care professionals surveyed indicated that staffing was their greatest non-COVID related challenge in 2022, according to the 2022 Hospice News Outlook Survey and Report. This is a rise from 33% the prior year. Staffing shortages have long been a thorn in the side of the hospice industry and […]

Societal Factors, Poor Coordination Impede Advance Care Planning Outcomes

Fragmentation and variation in advance care planning processes are undermining the effectiveness of those services, according to recent research. A range of societal factors, regulatory hurdles and a lack of care coordination between health care settings have erected barriers between patients and services that are aligned with their priorities. Prior studies have shown that advance […]

Hospices Leverage Tech to Keep Staff Connected Amid Labor Shortage

Staffing shortages have long plagued the hospice industry, with the furrowing brows on providers deepening as the coronavirus pandemic adds worsening pressure. More providers are turning to technology platforms to ensure timely communication with staff, create efficiency and reduce burnout. Widespread workforce shortages in hospice and palliative care are expected to worsen during the next […]

Hospices Often at ‘End of List’ for PRF Funds

Hospice providers welcomed the news last month that the Biden administration was moving forward with the fourth round of Provider Relief Funds (PRF), totaling $17.7 billion. Nevertheless, stakeholders in the space argue that more assistance is sorely needed, as providers work to untangle the relief program’s requirements.  Managed by the U.S. Department of Health and […]