Data Analytics Give Hospice an Edge in Value-Based Care

Hospice providers are increasingly turning to data analytics systems to gain an edge against competitors when engaging prospective referral partners, anticipating impacts in value-based care. Data are key to demonstrating the value of hospice to potential referral partners as evolving value-based payment models take effect. The value-based insurance design demonstration project, commonly called the Medicare […]

Hospices Weigh Using Methadone for Pediatric Pain Management

As providers recognize a growing demand for pediatric hospice and palliative care, more are turning to methadone for those patients rather than more frequently used pain medications like morphine. Effective pain management, or the lack thereof, has a significant impact on a hospice’s family satisfaction scores, which are key considerations for potential payers and referral […]

Hospice Providers Leverage Data to Reach the Underserved

Race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status are the leading differentiating factors fueling disparities in hospice utilization. Data, and associated documentation, can help fuel policy to improve access for underserved populations nationwide. The nation’s population is growing more racially and ethnically diverse, according to a U.S. Census Bureau report from last year. From 2010 to 2019, the […]

Hospice Leaders See Growing Need for a Medicare Palliative Care Benefit

Establishing a dedicated community-based palliative care benefit within Medicare has been a critical goal for many providers nationwide, but the COVID-19 pandemic has led stakeholders to redouble their efforts. The outbreak exposed millions of people and their families to serious illness, and a sizable contingent is realizing that they could have benefited from interdisciplinary person-centered […]

OpusCare Begins Work on New Hospice and Palliative Care Facility

OpusCare of Florida recently broke ground on what will be a hospice care facility scheduled to open in 2022. Rising demand and the need for expanded options for hospice care within the community were driving forces behind the new home-like facility. In addition to hospice and palliative care, OpusCare offers medications, medical equipment and supplies […]

Encompass Projects a Robust Hospice M&A Pipeline

Despite slowed activity in part tempered by the COVID-19 pandemic, hospice and home health provider Encompass Health Corp. (NYSE: EHC) anticipates accelerated M&A activity in the near future, seeking acquisitions in both spaces as markets become thick with competition. Similar to many providers nationwide, Encompass Health was impacted by pandemic-related headwinds throughout 2020. The company’s […]

More Hospices Are Developing Medical Group Practices

A growing number of hospices are developing medical group practices, with home health and palliative care services representing the largest gaps for hospices to fill in terms of community-based services and meeting seriously ill population needs. Out of 1,200 hospice providers nationwide, more than a quarter (26%) indicated interest in developing a medical group practice […]

Telehealth Promises Greatest ROI on Hospice Technology Investment

Leveraging technology during the coronavirus pandemic has kept providers connected with patients and their families from a distance. Despite unknowns regarding the future of telehealth regulations, hospice providers expect those systems to yield the highest return on investment when it comes to technology. Nearly half of respondents (47%) of the 2021 Hospice Industry Outlook Report […]

Hospices Stepping Up Specialized Care for Disabled Patients

Patients with disabilities are largely underserved by hospices, but they represent a growing need as well as an untapped market for providers. Hospice companies are developing programs to meet the specific concerns of these patients to improve access to care.  Almost 40% of people 65 and older had at least one disability from 2008 to […]

Diversity Initiatives a Rising Priority for Hospices

Race continues to represent one of the largest barriers to hospice and palliative care. Hospice and palliative care providers are honing in on equity and inclusion, seeking to foster diversity among patients and staff alike. The United States population has grown more racially and ethnically diverse as it ages, according to a U.S. Census Bureau […]