Documentation errors and a fragmented health system pose the greatest risks for adverse drug events among hospices. Evaluating these risks involves having solid medication reconciliation processes in place — both at the time of a patient’s admission and throughout their end-of life care experience, according to Mary Lynn McPherson, professor and executive program director of […]
University of Maryland
Data are reshaping the health care space, and hospice is no exception. Data has played a large role in the ability to gauge the impact of end-of life care. Hospice providers have needed a window into access and utilization, as well as how lawmakers are shaping policies around health care. This article is the second […]
Links exist between state certificate of need (CON) laws and hospice quality outcomes, researchers recently found. Roughly 86% of all hospices nationwide provide services in states that do not have certificate of need (CON) regulations in place, according to research from the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. The remaining 14% of hospices in […]
Palliative care education programs are gaining speed regionally, leading some to hope for a “domino effect” that would spur further growth. Without widespread change, demand for palliative care in the United States is projected to outstrip the supply of the clinicians trained to provide it during the next decade. A key barrier to building that […]
A lack of nursing and medical education in hospice and palliative care creates an additional obstacle for providers trying to push back against industry-wide labor shortages. Not only are hospices competing with other health care sectors for new hires, but the vast majority of clinicians entering the workforce are unprepared to provide those services. Most […]
The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has launched an online educational program for students to receive a doctor of philosophy degree in palliative care. The program aims to develop researchers in palliative care while simultaneously honing skills in leadership, education and engagement in the profession. The PhD in Palliative Care Program is designed for […]
Public policy intended to reduce opioid abuse and addiction appear to have the unintended consequence of limiting hospice patients’ access to these often necessary pain management drugs. Misapplication of current U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) guidelines for opioid prescribing is a likely contributor to this problem. Recent research spearheaded by the Oregon […]
Advocates have increasingly called for expanded resources to address mental health issues and substance use problems (SUPs) among hospice patients to improve delivery and quality of their care. However, limited research is available for hospice providers looking to integrate psychiatric or mental health services. An estimated 5 to 8 million older adults in the United […]
Greater communication and deeper integration of psychiatric-palliative care are avenues for hospice providers seeking to remove barriers to access and improve quality of care for patients with mental illness. Research indicates significant disparities in the end-of-life experience for patients with serious persistent mental illnesses (SPMI), with inadequate collaboration among clinicians and lack of psychiatric-specific care […]
Drug diversion — the transfer of a prescription medication from a lawful to an unlawful channel of distribution or use — is a prevalent issue throughout the health care continuum. Hospice providers and other organizations that provide care in the home face unique challenges due to the potential easy access to the patients’ medications. Despite […]