U.S. Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Mark Warner (D-Va.) recently introduced legislation aimed at improving access to advance care planning services among patients with serious illness. The Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Act would expand utilization of these services by removing Medicare payment barriers faced by both providers and patients. The bill proposes to […]
Respecting Choices
Fragmentation and variation in advance care planning processes are undermining the effectiveness of those services, according to recent research. A range of societal factors, regulatory hurdles and a lack of care coordination between health care settings have erected barriers between patients and services that are aligned with their priorities. Prior studies have shown that advance […]
Public perceptions of advance care planning, as well as a lack of understanding of the nature of hospice and palliative care, have many reluctant to pursue these options, according to a new study in the Journal of Palliative Medicine. Advance care planning has been shown to have a significant impact on the quality and experience […]
Hospices, other providers, payers, as well as state and federal agencies are increasingly recognizing the importance of advance care planning to ensure goal-concordant care and reduce health care costs. Barriers in existing public policy are limiting the growth of these services, along with increased strains brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, according to some stakeholders. […]
Advance care planning has remained a priority for hospice and palliative care providers during the coronavirus pandemic as they strive to reach patients sooner in their illness trajectories and ensure goal-concordant end-of-life care. Research has shown that reaching patients sooner in the care continuum can be beneficial for providers and patients alike, as well as […]