Fostering Palliative Care-Pain Medicine Specialist Coordination

Collaborations between palliative care specialists and pain medicine physicians can help optimize care for seriously ill patients, new research has found. Chronic pain can be debilitating and often accompanies serious conditions that can warrant palliative care, such as cancer. Between 2019 and 2021, the prevalence of chronic pain among adults nationwide ranged from 20.5% to […]

Psychological Trauma Can Worsen Symptom Burden at End-of-Life

Recent research has found that traumatic experiences can lead to increased pain and symptom burden at the end of life, along with a greater likelihood of emotional suffering and isolation. Collective trauma experiences have been associated with higher instances of pain and dyspnea among more than half of seniors nationwide, a recent study found, published […]

Key Research Trends: Telehealth Impacts, Global Gaps in Hospice, Goal-Concordant Care

Research trends can help hospice providers improve their understanding around the impacts of their services and where quality gaps may exist. This article details recent key research findings on hospice care, including the effects of telehealth utilization among terminally ill pediatric patients, along with barriers to improved goal-concordant end-of-life care in Asia, Canada and Europe. […]

Pediatric Palliative Care: The Forces Impeding Quality

Pediatric palliative care providers have room for improvement when it comes to understanding the factors that can impact health care decisions among seriously ill young adults and adolescents. A diverse range of social, emotional and psychological developmental factors can complicate the ability of pediatric palliative providers to navigate advance care planning conversations and deliver goal-concordant […]

Stakeholder Support Grows for Hospice Patient Transfusions Legislation

In case you missed it, Hospice News has launched a new specialty publication for palliative care professionals. You can subscribe to Palliative Care News here: Subscribe today! Stakeholders are closely eying the legislative journey of a bill designed to improve access to blood transfusion services among hospice patients. If enacted, it could affect hospices’ ability to […]

Research: Patient Assessment Initiatives Boost Palliative Care Referrals in Cancer Centers

Oncology nurses at cancer centers across the country are developing ways to improve palliative care referrals for seriously ill patients and families who could benefit from these services. A common thread woven through these referral strategies is expanding palliative care awareness among clinicians across the continuum. Misperceptions proliferate among clinicians as to the nature and […]

Serious Illness Care Quality, Communications Lacking for Black Hospice Patients

When it comes to communication and quality of care for Black patients, recent data reinforces the notion that hospices have room to grow. The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) recently released key findings in its research review aimed at uncovering disparities in serious illness care quality and patient experiences among underserved populations. Among the […]

Study: Stroke Patients Lack Sufficient Access to Palliative Care

More hospice providers are seeking to diversify their services with palliative care to reach patients further upstream. Recent research has found a gap when it comes to improving access for patients hospitalized with severe ischemic stroke. Expanding education and awareness of these services could be key to building up utilization. A study published this year […]

Education, Care Coordination Essential to Expanding Pediatric Palliative Care

Pediatric patients are among the most underserved seriously ill population in hospice and palliative care. Hospices have worked to expand their scope of pediatric services, with a focus on increasing access to palliative care and opening up referral streams. Compared to adults on hospice, children represent a smaller but crucial group of patients, according to […]

Former CareMore, Aspire CEO Marzouk: Hospices Need to Adapt to Ensure Telehealth Meets Patient Needs

Care has been moving deeper into the home even prior to the coronavirus pandemic, but COVID-19 has accelerated that trend with the added boon of virtual services to supplement in-person services. As virtual care booms, providers are navigating uncertain financial waters as they seek to innovate and differentiate themselves from competitors. Public anxiety about entering […]