Hospices Mobilize to Better Serve Mentally Ill Patients

Access and quality of hospice care for patients with serious mental illness are rising concerns among providers. Hospices are increasingly recognizing the need to better understand the unique challenges these patients face as they reach the end of life, with cries for further research growing louder. Education and awareness around mental health will be key […]

Hospices Can Leverage Mental Health Care for Better Quality, Growth

Hospices are increasingly offering expanded behavioral health services to improve care for patients suffering with serious mental illnesses (SMIs) at the end of life. Rising demand for these services comes at a strenuous time for hospices amid shifting payment policies and a worldwide pandemic. Investing to expand mental health programming poses both challenging financial risks […]

Improving Hospice Access for Patients with Serious Mental Illness

Greater communication and deeper integration of psychiatric-palliative care are avenues for hospice providers seeking to remove barriers to access and improve quality of care for patients with mental illness. Research indicates significant disparities in the end-of-life experience for patients with serious persistent mental illnesses (SPMI), with inadequate collaboration among clinicians and lack of psychiatric-specific care […]