How Today’s Hospice Fraud Could Warp Tomorrow’s Reimbursement Outlook

Hospices have grown increasingly frustrated by fraudulent operators in the space and how their activities affect legitimate operators’ financial health. This is the second of a two-part Hospice News series that explores how fraud, waste and abuse in the hospice space could create headwinds for the industry at large. Fraudsters misspend millions of Medicare dollars […]

Fighting ‘Phantoms’: How Fraud Skews Competition in the Hospice Market

Fraudulent operators’ marketing strategies are morphing the competitive landscape, making it difficult for legitimate hospice providers to maintain visibility among patients and families. A mounting concern is that fraudsters stepping into the hospice industry have been implementing marketing and outreach practices that at times mirror strategies utilized by quality providers, according to Jeanne Chirico, president […]

How CON Laws Influence Hospice Quality, Program Integrity

In case you missed it, Hospice News has launched a new specialty publication for palliative care professionals. You can subscribe to Palliative Care News here: Subscribe today! Variations in hospice certificate of need (CON) state laws are raising program integrity concerns. However, this coin has two sides. CONs have a big role to play when it comes […]