Electronic health record (EHR) systems are increasingly being tailored specifically to providers of end-of-life and seriously ill care as these industries move toward value-based care in the coming year ahead. Many hospice and palliative care providers have ramped up efforts to integrate electronic systems to stay competitive in a crowded marketplace and provide data-backed reporting […]
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC)
A rising number of hospice providers nationwide have diversified services to include palliative care in an effort to engage patients further upstream and open up new lines of revenue. Despite these efforts, palliative care remains widely untapped in many areas throughout the United States, with knowledge gaps about the nature of these services acting as […]
The hospice and palliative care workforce has been shrinking in recent years due to staff retirement, burnout and limited opportunities for specialty training. Designing a career path with opportunities for advancement can boost recruitment, improve retention and reduce turnover. “Currently, the specialty workforce is just too small to meet demand,” said Brynn Bowman, chief strategy […]
Access to quantitative and benchmarked quality data are common expectations of palliative care providers, health systems, and payers. For more than a decade, three quality measurement registries have met that expectancy: the Global Palliative Care Quality Alliance, the National Palliative Care Registry™, and the Palliative Care Quality Network. As the field has grown, however, the […]