Diverse Mix of Opportunities, Obstacles in Palliative Care’s Future Outlook

Interest has mounted in the palliative care arena, but building and sustaining these services requires stronger reimbursement and workforce resources. The palliative care space is gaining momentum, despite large challenges tied to staffing and reimbursement strains, according to Mark Kulik, senior managing director of the advisory firm The Braff Group. Palliative care is becoming an […]

Hospice Executives: Value-Based Care, Regulation Will Shape Hospices’ Future

Disruptive reimbursement and regulatory challenges are top of mind for today’s hospice c-suite executives, who recently sat down with Hospice News to discuss what they see as the largest hurdles to sustainable end-of-life care delivery. Reimbursement pressures and changes among the most significant concerns for today’s hospices, according to Kristen Yntema, president and CEO of […]

Transparency, Quality ‘Critical’ to Hiring Hospice Nurses

In a tight labor market, nurses are looking for transparent leadership and strong performance on quality when choosing an employer. Hospices that see success in the “ebb and flow” of recruitment and retention are often those that seek to gain insight into the priorities of the current and future workforce, according to Sarah DeFalco, chief […]

The Hospice CARE Act‘s Potential Unintended Consequences

The most recent iteration of Hospice Care Accountability, Reform and Enforcement (Hospice CARE) Act, currently in a discussion draft phase, could have some unintended consequences in the future of end-of-life care delivery. Developed by U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenaur (D-Oregon) and announced in June at the Hospice News Elevate conference, the bill proposed reimbursement and regulatory […]

Hospices Compete for Staff in Job Seekers’ Market

Hospice providers are competing more intensely to fill their ranks from a smaller pool of prospective employees. Hospices will need to offer flexible schedules, mental health support and a diverse and inclusive culture to attract and retain staff in what has become a job seekers’ market. Workforce shortages have long predated the coronavirus pandemic, but […]

Hospices Call for Higher Payment to Offset Minimum Wage Hikes Amid Staff Shortage

While hospices have been focusing efforts to recruit, retain and rebuild their ranks during a financially choppy time, some providers are furrowing their brows over minimum wage increases in the absence of a corresponding raise to Medicare reimbursement.  While federal efforts to boost the minimum wage have stagnated for the time being, action is underway […]