The National Partnership for Healthcare and Hospice Innovation (NPHI) has named its new board chair: Samira Beckwith, president and CEO of Florida-based hospice provider Hope Healthcare. As Beckwith told Hospice News, value-based payment models will be a primary focus in 2021 and beyond as the future of end-of-life and serious illness care evolves and a […]
Advanced Illness Partners
Advanced Illness Partners (AIP), a joint enterprise established by seven hospice and palliative care providers, will enable its members to provide care further upstream for patients suffering from serious and chronic diseases. The venture was designed to facilitate participation in soon-to-be implemented direct contracting payment models from the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services […]
A group of seven hospice and senior care providers have formed Advanced Illness Partners (AIP), a joint venture partnership geared for participation in the direct contracting payment models from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation. Several of the models are slated to launch in April, with a geographic direct contracting option coming in 2022. […]