Hospices Adopt New Strategies to Support End-of-Life Decisions

National Health Care Decisions Day takes on a new significance this year as COVID-19 sweeps critical illness and death across the country. With demand for hospice and palliative care services on the rise amid the pandemic, providers are adopting new strategies to highlight the benefits of advance care planning for patients and families. Recently updated […]

Hospices Hurting from Diminished Fundraising, Philanthropy

Hospices often rely on philanthropic donations and fundraisers to support their programs, but many are taking a financial hit from fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. Despite federal funding relief efforts, strained donors, increased costs and cancelled fundraising events are impacting hospice bottom lines.  Providers are working to address these issues by adapting their methods and […]

CMS: Care Planning, Hospice Aide Services Top Survey Deficiencies 

Issues related to care planning and hospice aide and homemaker services topped the list of most common deficiencies found during regulatory surveys during 2019, according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  Nearly 60% of hospices surveyed did not successfully comply with the requirement that hospices must develop an individualized care plan […]

Hospices Face Ethical Dilemmas During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on a number of unprecedented ethical questions as hospice and palliative care leaders work to continue providing crucial services to their most vulnerable patients, including the need to limit contact between staff and patients, drawing a line between safety and the traditional hospice care model. Honoring end-of-life goals while caring […]

Hospices Seek to Define Essential Services During Pandemic

Hospice leaders are adapting to limitations while supporting staff and volunteers as they face roadblocks to providing essential patient services. More than 40 states nationwide have issued stay-at-home orders prohibiting nonessential travel and closing businesses to minimize the exposure and spread of COVID-19. While hospice services are a vital part of the health care continuum, […]

Communities Band Together to Support Hospices During Pandemic

As hospices struggle with the fallout of the COVID-19 outbreak, some are finding additional support from their local communities, building relationships that could extend beyond this time of crisis. Supply shortages, staffing and volunteer challenges are some of the issues that communities are addressing as they come together with their local hospice and health care […]

Hospices Suspending Volunteer Activities Due to Pandemic

Hospices nationwide are challenged by the need for social distancing and sheltering in place during the COVID-19 outbreak, and this includes management and recruitment of volunteers, on whom many patients and providers rely for essential support. The U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in normal circumstances requires that volunteers provide at least 5% […]

New Jersey Would Include End-of-Life Wishes on Drivers’ Licenses

Sponsored by Assemblyman Herb Conaway Jr. (D-Burlington), a new bill before the New Jersey state legislature would establish a Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (or POLST) Form Registry in the state of New Jersey. The bill would give residents the option to voluntarily register their end-of-life health care wishes through the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) […]

Arizona Hospices Collaborate to Meet Patients’ Non-medical Needs During Outbreak

A group of hospices and home health agencies in small Arizona communities are working with local businesses, such as restaurants and other community resources, to ensure that isolated patients receive meals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaborative efforts are bringing communities together as the coronavirus pandemic touches every corner of the globe. Building unifying relationships with […]